Based on a horrific true story, the film follows the infamous prison break of the savage Gary Tison and Randy Greenawalt. Tison was serving two consecutive life sentences for murder when, accompanied by Greenawalt and aided by Tison's sons Donny, Ray, and Ricky, he broke out of Arizona state prison in the summer of 1978. The two escapees left a trail of corpses in their wake as they and Tison's boys eluded law-enforcement pursuit across Arizona, Colorado, and New Mexico. A local sheriff, familiar with Tison’s ruthlessness, led the chilling manhunt which came to an end in a shoot-out near the Mexican border. Tison fled but his son Donny was killed in the gunfight. A few days later Tison died of exposure and dehydration in the desert where his body was later found. Tison’s sons Ray and Ricky, and Greenawalt were sent to death row.
Robert Patrick, Heather Graham, Bruce Davison, Alex MacNicoll, Chris Browning, Molly Quinn
Dwight Little
Alex Hertzberg, à  à à Âà à  àÂà Âà à  à à ÂàÂà  àÂà ÂàÂlvaro Rodrà  à à Âà à  àÂà Âà à  à à ÂàÂà  àÂà ÂàÂguez, Dwight H. Little, Eric M. Breiman, Robert Patrick, Sandy Little
à  à à Âà à  àÂà Âà à  à à ÂàÂà  àÂà ÂàÂlvaro Rodrà  à à Âà à  àÂà Âà à  à à ÂàÂà  àÂà ÂàÂguez, James W. Clarke
A skilled digital photographer begins a twisted romance with a woman suffering from body dysmorphia.
VIEW DETAILSAfter an experimental drug trial goes awry, the test subjects must fight off sleep, and each other, to stay alive.
VIEW DETAILSA serial killer ruthlessly hunts down a deaf woman after she witnesses his brutal crime.
VIEW DETAILSA newly sober detective must prove his AA sponsor has a power to make people disappear using his butt.
VIEW DETAILSThe dark secrets of Holly's seemingly perfect life are exposed, when an intruder spins her life out of control.
VIEW DETAILSBased on a horrific true story, the film follows the infamous prison break of the savage Gary Tison and Randy Greenawalt
VIEW DETAILSFour characters wake in a desert, disoriented and lost with no clue where they are or how they got there.
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